The Detective’s Car – Progress Report

I’ve begun the final chapter of my work in progress with the working title of The Detective’s Car. I like the way it’s turning out. Once I get this chapter on paper, then it’ll be maybe a half-dozen passes with the red pen to get a clean copy. After that, prep for publication and then on to the recording.

Happy news: My “garden studio” should be moved into position by this time next week. “Garden studio” is what they’re calling sheds that you spend time in, rather than storing rakes and so on. I’ll be using it mostly as a recording studio. It’s double walled and insulated and I’ll be lining the inside with acoustic materials. I can see many months of obsessive attention to detail in my future.-) It should be easy to keep it warm enough this winter. One does not like to be recording while one is shivering.

So, some things getting completed. That’s always satisfying. Now, if only I could find out if we’re going to get a rebate for installing a heat pump. We already missed a summer of cooling while waiting, during which we had a long spell of temperatures near 40 degrees. Fortunately we have a furnace, so we won’t freeze this winter if it drags on. But with the way things are going, maybe that will enter the completion phase, too.


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About arjaybe

Jim has fought forest fires and controlled traffic in the air and on the sea. Now he writes stories.
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