Road for a Coward — Three-Quarter Report

Credit Torley – CC-BY-SA

We’re at the three-quarter intermission in the writing of The Road for a Coward, and I’m beginning to think that the working title won’t be the final title this time. With all the previous books I ended up using the working title when I published them. This time, though, the book isn’t turning out to be enough like the title to justify keeping it. That’s what a working title is for, though, right? Just something to get you through the writing of the book, then you’re supposed to pick something that reflects the actual story.

I’m still enjoying writing it. There have been some bits of life intervening and causing delays and slow-downs, but when I can get to it, I’m liking it. My characters are really beginning to show their true natures, and the relationships between them are developing. The elements that I’ve introduced so far are showing me how they’re going to affect the story as we approach the end. I always wonder before starting a new book whether I will be able to find enough words to get us through it. But, they are always there. I’m glad because I really enjoy seeing how the story comes out.

So there’s the three-quarter report on my novel, The Road for a Coward (for the time being.) I estimate another two months of writing, then it’s on to all the mechanical stuff. Proofing, editing, formatting and recording. I’d better get at it.


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About arjaybe

Jim has fought forest fires and controlled traffic in the air and on the sea. Now he writes stories.
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