Cirrus Homogenitus

Credit Craig Sunter – CC-BY

Cloud of the Day – Cirrus Homogenitus

In the past, meteorologists refused to include human-made phenomena in their classifications of cloud types. Yes, they said, the steam and smoke coming out of our smokestacks can appear like clouds or fog, but they’re not really. While weather observers might observe reduced visibility and even attribute it in part to our activities, there was no place for them on the reporting forms. If they were going to mention smog or condensation trails, it would be in the comments only. In the case of condensation trails, they became abbreviated in common language as “contrails.” On the reporting forms they appeared in the comments section as “COTRA.”

Credit Acabashi – CC-BY-SA

Now, with the updating this year of the International Cloud Atlas, hosted by the World Meteorological Organization, as reported on the Green Comet blog, a number of new cloud types have been included. I’ve already reported on asperitas, volutus and flumen, which are natural cloud types that have been included in this edition of the Atlas. Today I present another inclusion, this time a cloud type that results from human activity: cirrus homogenitus. Literally, cirrus made by humans. Condensation trails can now come out of the comments and take their rightful place in the form proper.

Credit Adam Jones Ph.D – CC-BY-SA

Cirrus homogenitus is the new name for contrails that have persisted for at least ten minutes. It comes in the one type only, with no sub-types or varieties. That’s because contrails are usually quite ephemeral and either disappear or change rapidly.

Credit Blue Stahli Luan – CC-BY

Cirrus homogenitus are like other cirrus clouds in that they don’t result in any precipitation or other weather. Unlike cirrus, they can’t even be credited with foretelling the approach of a weather system. They’re just the result of an airplane flying in the stratosphere, portending nothing more than its arrival, hopefully at its destination.


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About arjaybe

Jim has fought forest fires and controlled traffic in the air and on the sea. Now he writes stories.
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9 Responses to Cirrus Homogenitus

  1. Anonymous says:

    HAARP + CHEMTRAILS – you’ve got to be kidding me with this whole condensation thing; the people are ignorant, but not all of them

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yawn!!!! Narrative ain’t working anymore

    • arjaybe says:

      Is this the same Anonymous? Whose narrative? And does your cryptic comment mean that you don’t believe in chemtrails? I hope you haven’t done a hit-and-run and that you’ll stick around long enough to clear things up for us.


  3. Anonymous says:

    BS! Condensation disappears. These that we see everyday do not.

    • arjaybe says:

      I guess you’re referring to so-called chemtrails when you say they don’t disappear. Of course, they obviously do or we’d be covered in an extremely thick layer of whatever you think it is.

      • Shawsy says:

        maybe you should test your rain water and notice what turns up on your glass windows and windshield. I’ve had the rain water tested on multiple occasions now with the exact chemicals that are being sprayed in the air, which are nano particles.

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