Concerns About Self-driving Cars

Speaking of self-driving cars, federal legislators in the US are getting their hands in. They didn’t take long to get onto their concerns about security and safety. They’re concerned about hackers and cybersecurity. What if someone takes control of one or more cars as they’re hurtling down the freeway? What happens the first time someone dies due to an error by the artificial intelligence controlling the car? As I noted in this Green Comet post, that will be more significant for most people than the ten thousand lives the AI saves. What about the inevitable situation where one or more cars find themselves in a situation where they have to decide who will survive and who will die? Self-driving cars are operating now, and it won’t be long before we begin to see them everywhere. This is going to raise some technical, ethical and practical issues. It’s going to be interesting.

With a demonstration of vehicles from BMW, GM, and Tesla on Tuesday, self-driving cars made a splash in Congress. But some lawmakers expressed concerns about the safety and security of autonomous vehicles as federal regulators mull creating a unified standard.

Source: Why concerns about self-driving cars may require a more hands-on approach


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About arjaybe

Jim has fought forest fires and controlled traffic in the air and on the sea. Now he writes stories.
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