, mentioned here on Green Comet, is more than just an open source mapping project. It’s more than the “Wikipedia of maps.” It’s more than a hobby for hikers and cyclists. It’s proving to be a valuable resource in the world’s response to disasters. This is what can happen when people work together to create free and open information. – rjb
Since the devastating earthquake in Nepal, there have been responses from all over the world from relief agencies, governments, non-profits, and ordinary citizens. One interesting effort has been from the crowdsourced mapping community, especially on, a free and open web map of the world that anyone can edit (think the Wikipedia of maps.)
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), an NGO that works to train, coordinate, and organize mapping on OpenStreetMap for humanitarian, disaster response, and economic development, has mobilized volunteers from around the world to help map since the Haiti earthquake in 2010.
Nepal is the most recent example of a large-scale activation for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap.
Source: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap helps Nepal earthquake response |
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