Just a quick note as a heads-up. If you like truffles you’d better enjoy them while you can. If this gets out, someone will want to make them illegal. It appears truffles contain a chemical, anandamide, that affects the brain the same way cannabis does. Just like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), anandamide locks onto receptors on neurons, producing psychoactive effects. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, the effect doesn’t last as long since anandamide breaks down in the body more quickly than THC does. So, in effect, truffles encourage animals to eat them by giving them a chemical reward, but without debilitating them too much.
Check out this article at the BBC for more details.
I thought you were writing about chocolate truffles! Which… Heck yesss! it’s a high for me.
But that wasn’t it. Good.
My chocolate truffles are safe 😉
I shudder to think of what would happen if they took chocolate away from women. It could get ugly.-)
Don’t even go there.
The end of the world as we know it.
For sure.
Easy now. Easy. Have a chocolate. -backs away slowly-
That is why pigs like them so much, they know! Now we know.