This site had a minor disaster yesterday. The plugin that manages the downloads lost them all, and I had to manually rebuild them. Coincidentally, the server hosting Green Comet had some problems of its own, giving me intermittent, slow access. So I spent most of yesterday laboriously, haltingly restoring download links.
However, it was just a minor disaster and I think it’s all better now. It doesn’t look as if anything was irretrievably lost, so I’m counting myself lucky. Does that make me an optimist?
I’m pretty sure it’s okay now, but I’d appreciate it if some of you could try out a few of the download links and let me know in the comments.
Thank you
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I only have my phone now and i can’t download stuff on it. Tomorrow morning i’ll try and give you a report.
I love technology when it works. 😉
Everything seems to be OK…
Thank you, M. It looks as if my optimism might be justified.