Do you like philosophy? Have you ever wished you could sit in on a lecture at Harvard University? Thanks to the Internet and Professor Michael Sandel, you can enjoy both. His lecture series, Justice, was recorded in a great lecture hall at Harvard and is available for you to audit, free, in comfort and at your own pace.
Is it ever right to kill one to save many? How do the rights of individuals measure against the will of the majority? Duty versus self-interest. Pre-determination versus self-determination.
Watch Professor Sandel ignite the fire of justice in the young minds of his students. See how they react to the challenges he gives them. Think about how you would answer his questions. These twelve lectures, each about a half-hour, will leave their mark on you. You might find yourself thinking about justice as you never have before. You might even go to the community forum and join the discussion.
Go ahead. It can’t hurt.-)
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That’s a treat Jim.