All images, except where noted, credit Wiebke Salzmann CC-BY-SA. Click images for larger versions.
Cloud of the Day – Corona
Here is a meteorological phenomenon that is often misnamed “halo.” A corona is similar to a halo in that they both form rings around the Sun and Moon. The Sun’s corona (the one formed in Earth’s atmosphere, not the one around the actual Sun) is hard to see because the Sun is so bright. A corona is a more subtle effect and needs the more muted light of the Moon to really show itself.
While haloes result from the light being refracted by ice crystals high in the atmosphere, coronae are caused by the diffraction of light scattered by particles – water droplets, ice crystals, dust motes, etc – in the lower atmosphere. A corona can also form on a foggy window pane. Haloes have fixed dimensions, calculable from the known refractive index of ice. Coronae come in various sizes due to the variability in the size of the light-scattering particles. Smaller droplets make larger coronae. In addition to the light scattered from the surface of the particle, small contributions to the corona are made by light that reflects directly off the droplet, or passes through it.

Artificial corona around LED lamps of different colors, created with lycopodium spores. As can be seen the diffraction rings of red light have a greater radius than those of blue light.
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The things I learned from hanging out here! 🙂
Thank you professor.
So, if I’m the Professor, are you Maryanne?
Hmmm. Lemme see… kinda, with undertones of Gilligan?
and may be even a sprinkle of ginger now and again.
Now that’s an image I’ll have trouble getting out of my mind: Gilligan crossed with Ginger.-)
As long as it doesn’t give you nightmares….
And no I don’t look like either Gilligan or Ginger but I sometime act/think a little bit like that. That should be easier to forget..
That’s a relief.-)
🙂 Pigtails is laughing. Something about Gilligan with red hair and lipstick has her in stitches.
I should have been more explicit.
Yeah. If Gilligan is going to have red hair, then it has to be Pippi Longstocking pigtails, right?
Spot on!
I had never ventured to this part of your website. Now I’m hooked! If my corona photo is clear enough, would you post it?
Send them – the largest versions – and I’ll post them if they won’t embarrass you.-) Use any one of my emails that you have.