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Green Comet in Groundbreaking Campaign

In an earlier post I talked about, the website dedicated to freeing books. Their objective is to reward authors for releasing their books from copyright, thus making them available to readers. The freed books are available in digital form, for easy and convenient use in most ereaders. They are not encumbered by DRM (digital rights management,) making them easy to transfer between all kinds of devices without restriction.

The campaign works by a simple pledge system. The author specifies how much money they want to free their book, and if there are enough pledges during the campaign, the book is set free. This is known as a Buy-to-Unglue campaign.

There is a second type of campaign known as Thanks-for-Ungluing. This type of campaign is for authors who have already released their book under a Creative Commons license, as I have with Green Comet. The objective of Thanks-for-Ungluing is to retroactively reward authors like us for setting our books free in the first place. Unlike Buy-to-Unglue, where readers pay to receive a copy of the book they’re setting free, Thanks-for-Ungluing allows readers to download the book for free. They are also free to choose whether to reward the author, and if so, how much.

23rd Century Romance cover

23rd Century Romance cover wants to set books free, and to reward authors for doing so. Green Comet is the second book to be entered in a Thanks-for-Ungluing campaign, following 23rd Century Romance, by Jake Hartnell. 23rd Century Romance is a story about a young man looking for real love in a virtual world. Go on over and have a look. Just for fun, download the books. It won’t cost you anything, and you’ll make an author smile.-)


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About arjaybe

Jim has fought forest fires and controlled traffic in the air and on the sea. Now he writes stories.
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