Update: Sita Sings the Blues is available under a CC0 license, equivalent to Public Domain. You should find it and download it and share it and torrent it and do whatever you can to ensure that as many people as possible see it. It’s that good. rjb
While I was writing Green Comet, I happened upon Sita Sings the Blues, an animated movie created by Nina Paley. I enjoyed Sita very much. The animation work and the storytelling are excellent. It’s based on the Indian legend about Sita and Rama and their love. Paley released Sita under a Creative Commons license, the one I’m using for Green Comet: Attribution and ShareAlike. She has since updated the license to CC0, putting the movie in the public domain. As far as she could, anyway.
The movie includes some great songs by Annette Hanshaw. The music is worth the price of admission by itself. Unfortunately, those recordings are still under copyright and, while they are used legally in Sita, they’re still restricted elsewhere. That’s why Sita Sings the Blues still can’t be completely free, even though its creator wants it to be.
But it’s still free to download and watch, which I encourage you to do. It’s available in smaller sizes of a few hundred megabytes, as well as a full-sized DVD image complete with director’s cut. You can even buy a DVD, if you want.
Go ahead and watch it. You’ll be glad you did.
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