Extensions to Green Comet

Many of the people who read Green Comet ask if there will be more. While I wrote the novel I wasn’t thinking of that and I wasn’t planning anything beyond this book. All I wanted was to put together a serviceable story, release it into the wild and see what happened. It’s still early times in the experiment, but it has produced a result. It seems that some of the readers like it enough to ask for more. So, what do I do?

I’ve decided to try to write more. It won’t be a sequel, though. I’m not going to write another whole novel continuing the story I began with Green Comet. Instead, I’m going to try what I think of as an extension. A short piece of one or a few chapters that illuminates another small bit of the universe of Green Comet. That shouldn’t take quite so long.

It’s still going to take a while, though. Months, maybe more. So in the meantime, I repeat my invitation to all of you to create your own extensions. Surely someone can get there before I do.-)


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About arjaybe

Jim has fought forest fires and controlled traffic in the air and on the sea. Now he writes stories.
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